Bob Blue, songwriter, teacher & friend

I just received sad news that dear friend Bob Blue died peacefully in his sleep two mornings ago. Despite increasingly debilitating effects of MS over more than two decades, Bob was rarely too tired to give to family, friends, school children, his assistants and strangers. He persisted writing songs, stories, essays and plays until nearly his last breath, inspiring so many with his wisdom, grace, humor and generosity. He was a good friend of mine and, I'm grateful to say, a mutual admirer. (See his kudo near the bottom of my "quotes" page.)

Six years ago Bob wrote, "This is a thank you note. Unless I change dramatically, I’m dying a sort of atheist. But you’ve [all] made my stay on earth feel a lot like what theists probably hope Heaven will be like."

I've been working on a forthcoming Bob Blue tribute CD, featuring interpretations by some of America's great singer-songwriters. Last fall I recorded two songs for the project. (One of them, Bob's words set to the tune of the Beatles' "I Want to Hold Your Hand," remains unlicensable despite repeated efforts with the publisher. I may or may not record a replacement.) Look for more info on Bob and the True Blue CD here and at


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